St. Anthony's current Mass schedule is 4:00pm on Saturday and 5:00pm on Wednesday, with confessions before Mass. A variety of parishioners give of their time and talent to serve the needs of the parish.
Bulletins and Publications
Parish Announcements
- FALL SUPPER INFORMATION/UPDATES!! - Please return any unused raffle tickets. Meat donations are greatly appreciated! Please include your name if you would like credit to your annual parish giving statement. Extra help needed: Monday, September 9th, 6pm – take down tents/clean up parish grounds.
- SCRIP - Scrip will be on sale September 21/22 and October 5/6.
- RCIA - The St. Joseph and St. Anthony parishes will offer a joint opportunity to come together in a small group setting to learn more about the Catholic faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of the Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion during the Easter season. To learn more about the process, please attend a gathering session scheduled for Sunday, September 22 at 8:00 am (following the 7:00 am Mass). We will meet in the SJS 8th grade classroom (newer school building, 1st classroom on the right). Please contact Fr. Schrader (455-2725 or [email protected]) and/or any member of the RCIA team: Janice Wieberg (573-619-9657), Candace Woehr (573-881-6538), Deacon Jim Haaf (573-619-0741) by Sunday, September 8, if interested in going through the RCIA process so the team can plan accordingly.
- CATHOLIC STEWARDSHIP RENEWAL 2024 - Please return all stewardship renewal forms to the marked container in the back of church, or can e-mail to [email protected]. If you still need a form, you can find on-line on St. Anthony’s web page: To learn more about the meaning and spirituality of stewardship, and for small-group reflection materials, see:
- EUCHARISTIC POETRY OF THOMAS AQUINAS - Did you know that St. Thomas Aquinas, the great Doctor of the Church, wrote the hymns for Corpus Christi? As part of the Eucharistic Revival, join Fr. Schrader to unpack the surprising depth of these beautiful Eucharistic poems and what they teach us about the Blessed Sacrament!
- FR. SCHRADER TO TEACH DEACON CLASSES AGAIN -In the months of September and October, Fr. Schrader will once again be teaching classes for the men in formation for the permanent diaconate as part of my diocesan assignments. This will limit his availability for individual meetings.
- UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS - Huxon Berhorst (September 9), Andy Luecke (September 11), Aaron Huhn (September 12).
- UPCOMING ANNIVERSARIES - Leon & Lisa Luecke (September 10).
September 13th - Grandparents Day
September 19th - Home & School Meeting
September 26th - Picture Day
VOTIVE CANDLE DONATIONS - Suggested donation for 7-day: $3; 10-hour: 50 cents.
- MASS INTENTION DONATIONS - Suggested donation is $10/Mass. If you wish Mass to be offered for a specific intention, please place an envelope marked "Mass intention" in the collection basket.
- ROSES FOR THE BLESSED MARY DONATIONS - Suggested donation is $30.